Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dust 514 Beta Testing Starts

Sony & CCP Games have announced the Dust 514 beta testing starts now with beta program downloads gone live on the PlayStation Network Store and the Sony Entertainment Network Store!
Dust 514 is a PS3-exclusive triple-A free-to-play MMOFPS (massively multiplayer online first person shooter), directly set in and connected in real-time with the science fiction universe of EVE Online.
Here’s how the creators further explain how the gameplay works:
“What that means is that not only is DUST a full-fledged MMOFPS in its own right, with unrivaled persistence and customization, it also coexists on the same servers as its older PC sibling, EVE Online. DUST and EVE share several game systems such as mail, text and voice chat, corporations, the in-game market and more.
Not only are the players of the two games able to communicate with each other and belong to the same social institutions, they can also interact in real time. Spaceship captains of EVE Online are able to provide real-time support in the form of orbital bombardments to the boots on the ground, the DUST 514 mercenaries, all while coordinating in a shared voice chat.”
Watch the Dust 514: PSN Open Beta launch trailer here:
To quote the developer about the open beta starting after a year-long closed beta:
“We are now ready to open the game up to a wider audience by moving to an Open Beta. There will be no more character wipes or inventory resets. We will lift all access restrictions to our servers. Anyone with a PS3 and a PSN account can download the game, create a character and join in on the fun. We will be updating the game regularly, soliciting feedback from you on our forums, balancing and tuning, replacing and polishing.”
If the above trailer didn’t explain the gameplay well enough, check out the PlayStation Blog for more developer quotes.
Watch a Dust 514 gameplay demo:
Dust 514 is set for release sometime in Summer 2013 for PS3 only.

Will you be trying out the Dust 514 Beta?

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